
Store/Dispatching (Processing time performances)

SPM documentation - January 25th 2011 Written by Rémi Equoy


This statistic enables to analyse store / dispatch performances.

It measures the number of days between Physically receipt date and Shipping date


the number of days between Physically receipt date and Ready to ship date

The performance is established by summing the number of delivered items which have been expedite with a number of days within a delay time greater than zero.

The date filter applies on linked Requisitions which have been created within the period.

The number of day granted to dispatch a goods is defined by the Priority level of the customer order.

The number of days allowed is reduced if the expected ship date is less than the number of days granted.

Important note : In this statistic, the Ready to ship date will be used in place of the Ship date to discard Forwarding Agent delay.


The Statistic form enables to analyse the statistic per customer.

The filter enables to define a period, a site and optionally the origin and the priority level :


The List form enables to list the lines which build the statistic result.

The filter enables to define a period, a site and optionally the origin and the priority level.

Th period applies with the Requisition's creation date.

The Parameters enable to discard some lines :

This available processing time is computed by using the Goods availability date and Exp. Ship. date.

The granted processing time is NOT USED in this calculation except if the Requisition estimated lead time is not specified (STOCK is written in place of a lead time in the prints).

If goods are received too late, this value will be set to zero.

The number of days is computed by using working days.

See also - Processing time performances -

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