Full process
Full process (Processing time performances)
SPM documentation - January 25th 2011 – Written by Rémi Equoy
This statistic enables to analyse the full process (of the sales).
The performance is established by summing the number of ordered items which have been delivered/expedited according to the Requisition's estimated lead time.
Only Requisitions which have been created within the period will be listed.
The number of day granted to dispatch a goods is defined into the Requisition, per each line.
The full process is computed by using: PURCHASE + SUPPLIER + DISPATCH processing time.
The Order taking is excluded from the audit.
Statistics view
The Statistic form enables to analyse the statistic per customer.
The filter enables to define a period, a site and optionally the origin and the priority level :
- Customer code : This column displays the customer's code
- Customer name : This column displays the customer's name
- Nb of cust. order : This column show the number of customer orders / Requisitions in reference with the filter.
- Nb of lines : This column displays the number of active lines in the selected Requisitions.
- Nb of delayed line items : This column show the number of line/items with a Days of delay greater than zero (see below).
- Delay rate: 100 x [Nb of delayed lines] / [Nb of lines]
- Average days of delay: Average of [days of delay] of delayed lines only
- Score: Average Number of days between [Req. processing time] and [Real recorded processing time].
- Average days to process: Average number of days to process all lines.
The List form enables to list the lines which build the statistic result.
The filter enables to define a period, a site and optionally the origin and the priority level.
The period applies on the Requisition's creation date.
The Parameters enable to discard some lines :
- All will show all lines
- Only delayed will discard on time's lines.
- Customer code : This column displays the customer's code.
- Customer name : This column displays the customer's name.
- Req.# : This column displays the Requisition #.
- Req. date : This column displays the Requisition's creation date or Requisition's date.
- Cust. order date : This column displays the Client's order receipt date located into the Requisition.
- Latest order ack. date : This column displays the latest printed date (with Sent selected) of Customer Order Acknowledgement.
- Priority level : This column displays the Requisition's priority level.
- PN : Part Number ordered.
- Qty : Quantity ordered.
- Shipped qty : Quantity shipped.
- Latest shipping date : Only the latest shipping date will be used to compute the processing time.
- Nb of shipping : Number of distinct shipping.
- Req. processing time : Requisition's estimated lead time.
- Real recorded processing time : Number of days between latest shipping and Client's order date.
- Days of delay : Indicates if the shipping have been made without a delay time. Stock lines without estimated lead time have 2 days granted by default.
See also - Processing time performances -
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