Purchase (Processing time performances)
SPM documentation - January 25th 2011 – Written by Rémi Equoy
This statistic tool enables to analyse the estimated lead time saved into Requisition.
Statistics view
The Statistic form enables to analyse the statistic per customer.
The filter enables to define a period, a site and optionally the origin and the priority level :
- Customer code : This column displays the customer's code
- Customer name : This column displays the customer's name
- Nb of cust. order : This column show the number of customer orders / Requisitions in reference with the filter.
- Nb of lines : This column displays the number of active lines in the selected Requisitions.
- Nb of delayed line items : This column show the number of line/items with a Days of delay greater than zero (see below).
- Delay rate: 100 x [Nb of delayed lines] / [Nb of lines]
- Average days of delay: Average of [days of delay] of delayed lines only
- Score: Average Number of days between [Granted processing time] and [Real recorded processing time].
- Average days to process: Average number of days to process all lines.
The List form enables to list the lines which will build the statistic result.
The filter enables to define a period, a site and optionally the origin and the priority level.
The period applies on the Requisition's date.
The Parameters enable to discard some lines :
- All will show all lines
- Only delayed will discard on time's lines.
- Customer code : This column displays the customer's code.
- Customer name : This column displays the customer's name.
- Req.# : This column displays the Requisition #.
- Req. date : This column displays the Requisition's creation date or Requisition's date.
- Cust. order date : This column displays the Client's order receipt date located into the Requisition.
- Latest order ack. date: Latest customer order acknowledgment printed and sent by this Requisition.
- Priority level : This column displays the Requisition's priority level.
- Granted processing time: The value depends of the priority level (see Standard granted time delay)
- PN : Part Number ordered.
- Qty : Quantity ordered.
- Req. processing time: Estimated lead time saved into the Requisition.
- PO #: Purchase Order #
- PO date: Purchase Order creation date.
- PO sent date: Purchase Order's closing date.
- Real recorded processing time: Number of days between order acknowledgment and PO sent date, computed by using working days.
- Days of delay : Indicates the number of days of delay.
See also - Processing time performances -
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