Glossary – Abbreviations - Acronyms
Updated April 24th 2012
ACMI Aircraft, crew, maintenance & insurance
AD Airworthiness Directive
AISI Aerospace Industry Support Initiative (ZA)
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
AMS Air Management Solutions
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOG Aircraft On Ground (see priority)
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AR As Removed (see Condition)
ARO At Receipt of Order
ASA Aviation Suppliers Association
ASCIP Aerospace Supply Chain Improvement Program
ATA Air Transport Association
AUD Australia-Dollars
AWB Air Way Bill
AWD Aircraft Wiring Diagram
BER Beyond Economical Repair
BFE Buyer's Furnished Equipments
BIC Bank Identifier Code
BIN# Bin Number (location of parts in a store)
BIS Bureau of Industry and Security (United States)
BN Batch Number
BO Back Order
BSC Bordereau de Suivi des Cargaisons
CAD Canada-Dollars (see Currency)
CAF Currencies Adjustment Factor
CBS Cash Before Shipment
CD see Condition
CFR Cost and Freight (see Incoterm)
CHF Switzerland-Francs (see Currency)
CIA Cash In Advance
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight (see Incoterm)
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (see Incoterm)
CLP Chile Pesos (see Currency)
CML Consumable Material List
CMM Component Maintenance Manual
CMPD Customized Maintenance Planning Document
Cm Centimeter
Cm2 Square Centimeter
Cm3 Cubic Centimeter
Cm/Sec Centimeter/Second
CND Cash Next Delivery
COC Certificate Of Conformity or Certificate of Conformance
COD Cash On Delivery
Condition State of a part: NE, FN, NS, U/S, SV, AR…
Consumable Any component that is rendered unsuitable for reuse when it's installed. Gaskets, sealants, compression fittings, etc.
CPT Carriage Paid To (see Incoterm)
Critical (see Priority)
CSIR Council for Scientific &Industrial Research
CSN Cycle Since New
CSO Cycle Since Overhaul
Currency Currencies are managed in SPM with a code of 3 letters
CWO Cash With Order
DAF Delivered At Frontier (see Incoterm)
Deg Degree
DDP Delivered Duty Paid (see Incoterm)
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid (see Incoterm)
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (see Incoterm)
DES Delivered Ex Ship (see Incoterm)
Distributor COC COC given by the distributor (need an agreement)
DN Delivered Note
DTC Defense Trade Control
EARS Export Administration Regulations (United States)
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EASO European Aviation Suppliers Organization
ECB European Central Bank
EDES Equipment Definition Evolution Sheet
EO Exchange Order (Vendor side in SPM)
EOM End of Month
EUR Euro (see Currency)
ETOPS Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards
EXC Exchange order (Customer side in SPM)
Expendable Any component that is discarded at the end of its useful life, i.e is not worth repairing or cannot be repaired or overhauled due to it's construction. Hoses, some brake components, small actuators, switches, etc. Expendables can normally be removed from service on one aircraft or assembly and reused if still in serviceable condition.
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAS Free Alongside Ship (see Incoterm)
FCA Free Carrier (see Incoterm)
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FVICL Final Visual Inspection Check-List
Forwarding agent SPM third party
FSCM Federal Supplier Code Manufacturer
FST Fire Smoke Toxicity
Fps Foot/Second
FOB Free On Board (see Incoterm)
Ft Foot
Ft2 Square Foot
Ft3 Cubic Foot
Ft-Lb/Sec Foot-Pound/Second
Ft/Lb Foot/Pound
Gal Gallon U.S.
Gallon US Barrel, Liquid - U.S.
GAPSA General Aviation Parts Suppliers Ass.
GBP United Kingdom-Pounds
Gm Gram
GST Goods and Services Tax or General Sales Tax
HKD Hong Kong-Dollars
Hp Horse Power
Hp-Hr Horsepower-Hour
Hr hour
HST Harmonized Sales Tax (see VAT)
IBAN International Bank Account Number
ICH IATA Clearing House
ILC Irrevocable Letter of Credit
In Inch
In2 Square Inch
In3 Cubic Inch
In Hg Inch of Mercury at 0° Celsius
Incoterm International commercial terms are a series of international sales terms widely used throughout the world. They are used to divide transaction costs and responsibilities between buyer and seller and reflect state-of-the-art transportation practices (visit for more information).
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
IPL Illustrated Parts List
Ips Inch/Second
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITEM Illustrated Tools and Equipment Manual
J Joule
JPY Japan-Yen (see Currency)
Kg Kilogram
Kg/M2 Kilogram/Square Meter
Kgm Kilogram-Meter
Kgm/Sec Kilogram-Meter/Second
Km Kilometer
Km2 Square Kilometer
Km/Hr Kilometer/Hour
KN Kilo Newton
Kt Knot
Kwh Kilowatt Hour
Lbf Pound Force
Lb Pound Mass
Lb/Hr Flow Rate, Fuel
LC Letter of Credit
Ltr Liter
L/T Lead-Time
Manufacturer COC Certificate Of Conformity delivered by the manufacturer (or the OEM)
Mark-up Determine or determined by the sell price:
Sell price = (1+Mark-up/100) x Purchase price
Mgr Milligram
Min Minute
Ml Milliliter
MLV Minimum Line Value
Mm Millimeter
Mm Hg Millimeter of Mercury at 0°Celcius
MMEL Minimum Master Equipment List
Mtr Meter
Mtr2 Square meter
Mtr3 Cubic meter
Mtr/Sec Meter/Second
Mi Mile
Mi2 Square mile
MLV Minimum Line Value
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
MOV Minimum Order Value
MOQ Minimum Order Quantity
MPD Maintenance Planning Document
Mph Mile Per Hour
MRO Maintenance Repair and Overhaul
MSN Manufacturer Serial Number
MTBF Mean Time between Failure
MTBUR Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removal
MTOP Maintenance Task Operating Plan
N Newton
N/M2 Newton/Square Meter (Pascal)
NDA Non Disclosure Agreement
NDT Non Destructive Testing
NDTM Non Destructive Testing Manual
NE New (see Condition)
NHA Next Higher Assembly
Normal see Priority
NP Non Procurable
NS New Surplus (see Condition)
NTO No Technical Objection
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OH Overhaul
Oz Ounce
PMA Parts Manufacture Approval
PN Part Number
PO Purchase Order (Vendor side in SPM)
Priority Degree of emergency of a document (or process)
AOG – Critical – Expedite – Normal
Psi Pound/Square Inch
Pt Pint (U.S.)
QA Hold (qty) Quality Assurance Hold: Quantity of part in the store having an opened discrepancy on them
Qty Quantity
Repairable Any component that is typically repaired and returned to service as repaired/overhauled or "as new" condition. Engines, generators, pumps, large actuators, many electric motors, etc.
REQ see Requisition
Requisition a customer order (for sales) in SPM
RMA Return Material Authorization
RRQ Repair Requisition – Customer order of repairing
Receiving Visual Inspection Check-List
C’est un document rempli au moment de la réception de pièces afin de réaliser un constat visuel des pièces (quantité, état, documents,…). Un Discrepancy Form est rempli dans le cas d’une non-conformité.
RF Receipt Form
RO Repair Order (Vendor side in SPM)
Rotable Anything that needs periodic replacement. Engines, generators, pumps, actuators, tires, etc. (see Part Number)
RP Repaired (see Condition)
SB Service Bulletin
SEPA Single Euro Payment Area
SFE Supplier's Furnished Equipments
SN Serial Number
SR Serviceable Repaired (see Condition)
SRM Structural Repair Manual
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
SV Serviceable (see Condition)
Il s’agit de l’état de la pièce. Il indique que la pièce est utilisable, qu’elle est conforme et qu’elle a le droit d’être utilisée.
SP Sans Position (without location in a store)
SPC Spare Parts Category
SPM Spare Parts Manager
Store In SPM, this entity enable to stock parts. More than one store can be located in the same warehouse.
TAT Turn Around Time (Délais de réparation)
TBA To Be Advised
TSN Time Since New
TSO Time Since Overhaul
Trays Folder (Bannette, répertoire, dossier de rangement)
TSN Time Since New
TSO Time Since Overhaul
TVA see VAT (Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée)
UC Usage Category
UOM Unit of Measure
USD United States-Dollars (see Currency)
U/S Unserviceable
VAT Value Added Tax
W Watt, Joule/Second
Warehouse Building where the stores are located (see Store)
WBM Weight and Balance Manual
WO Work Order – This document enable to build kit in SPM
Yd Yard
Yd2 Square Yard
Yd3 Cubic Yard
ZAR South Africa-Rand (see Currency)
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