Invoicing when scraping

How to invoice scrap fees

SPM documentation (v2009.2.1.46)- January 29th 2009 Written by Rémi Equoy

Scrap fees from vendor

Usually, vendor invoice are created from receipt form.

When parts are scraped, there isn't any receipt.

In this case, the invoice have to be created from the Repair Order by using the following process :

  1. Create new vendor invoice
  2. Type the vendor code
  3. Select Repair as type
  4. Into the Order tab add the Repair Order
  5. Add Scrap fees in the Other fees tab

Scrap fees for customer

Usually, customer invoice are created from delivery note, but when parts are scraped, there isn't any deliver.

To invoice the customer with the scrap fees, the invoice have to be created from the Repair Requisition by using the following process :

  1. Create new customer invoice
  2. Type the customer code
  3. Select Repair as type
  4. Into the Order tab add the right Repair Requisition
  5. Add Scrap fees in the Other fees tab

See also - Customer Invoice - Vendor Invoice -

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