

SPM documentation - December 10th 2008 Written by Rémi Equoy - Updated April 30th 2010


Into the SPM jargon, a kit is a Part Number for which the kit check box have been ticked and for which the description of the components have been populated.

see Part Numer - Kit/Sub Assy

Kit can be seen as any other Part Number.

Kit can also be created by assembling the components. To create kits, the process needs a Work Order to explicitly details the Kit Part Number, the number of kit to create and lot of other important information which enables to create new kit(s).

see Kit creation process - Work Order

Into the creation process, Work Order need to requisite goods, from Stock or from vendor.

This task is assumed by a Kit Requisition which will be linked to the Work Order.

When goods are received, they will be booked for the Kit Requisition.

Booked goods may be used by the Work Order through the Kit Requisition by creating a Delivery Note.

The new available kit(s) will be added into the stock by creating a Receipt Form.

see Kit Requisition - Delivery Note @ For kit workshop - Receipt Form @ from kit workshop

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