Shipping directive

Shipping directive

SPM documentation - January 5th 2010 Written by Rémi Equoy


Shipping directive is defined in the Requisition document :

The Shipping directive don't indicates from when goods may be shipped.

The Expected ship date, computed by adding the Estimated lead time to the Acknowledgment date, describes before when goods must by shipped.

What's eligibility ? An item is eligible when this item have to be shipped from the point of view of Shipping directive.

The Shipping directive feature update the eligibility of goods. Only booked goods can become eligible.

Eligibility plays in the Order preparation tool and in the Dispatching processing time statistics.

All goods, even if not set eligible, can be delivered.

When delivering parts or items which are not eligible, the following warning message will appear :

RULE: When at least one Requisition's item becomes eligible, the Requisition is designed as eligible.

Functioning's description

The following shipping directive are available:

The Partial Shipment authorized displayed in the report is defined by the Partial Shipment allowed check box located in the Delivery address tab.

See also :  Requisition - Order preparation

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