

SPM documentation - January 5th 2010 Written by Rémi Equoy - - Updated January 12th 2012


Requisition enables user to generate a document which order a list of part number for a specific price to a customer.

Commonly, the Requisition is obtained from one (or many) quotations but SPM allows to create a new Requisition without having a quote.

Each Requisition's lines have an origin : Store, Vendor or Work Order.

Requisition allows booking for items coming from stores and advance booking for items coming from vendors . (see Booking engine for more information)

Main information

Shipping directive

Addresses, Contact and Forwarding agent tabs

PN tab

PN/Comment tab

Analytic tabs


Main information

The Req # is defined automatically by using the document default format. You can select another the format or reuse an unused number by pushing the button "...".

The Customer can be typed or you can obtain a list of customer by double clicking. The customer have to be created before creating the Requisition.

The Outlet (Site) is one of the outlet your are granted to use.

The Date is the day date by default but you can change this one.

The Client's order receipt date is a date filled by the user representing the customer's order receipt date.

The Priority level can be choose among Routine, Expedite, Critical or A.O.G. .

The Customer's reference field enables user to type the customer order reference if there is one.

The Currency is normally defined by the customer (see customer form) but if the customer currency is not defined in the customer card or if you have a customer with multiple currency, you can change the  quote's currency with this combo box.

The User is the first name and surname of the user who have created the quote.

The Folder enables to attach or to class the Requisition in a folder. (see General Data/Miscellaneous/folders to create a new folder)

The Status describe the state of the Requisition. Once approved, almost main information cannot be modified. (see Requisition statuses)

Shipping directive

Consult Shipping directive topic for more information.

Addresses, contact and Forwarding agent

Once the customer have been selected, the default contact, the default delivery address and the default invoicing address will be filled automatically except if the Requisition is created from a quote.

The user can change the contact list by adding (or deleting) contact coming from the customer ref card.

The Delivery address and the Invoicing address can be changed by selecting another site (if available in the customer ref card).

The forwarding agent will be the default one but the user will be allowed to select another one.

For more information see Customer topic.

PN tab

The PN tab list the PN which have been (or which will be) added to the order.

To add new items or to add items at the end of the list, right click on the upper left corner of the PN list.

Items or PN have to be added in two steps:

  1. Add or insert a PN base line.
  2. Define or add an origin (Stock or Vendor) from the PN Infos form.

If there is any available stock in the site's default store, the combined quantity and the origin will be automatically added.

If the Part Number describe Alternate Part Number (see Alternate), one sub line will be added for each alternate.

The following push-down menu are available :

PN columns :

GREEN quantities are items shipped

BLACK quantities are items in progress

RED quantities are items unsynchronized

This column unfolds :

Note : The order status Closed/Settled can be reached only when all lines are fully shipped i.e. Shipped quantity = Ordered quantity.

When the origin is a store, the last buy price price is displayed (non-PO RF items are discarded) a modification in a recent price list will update this price.

If no purchase price are found, the greater stock price will be used.

When the origin is a vendor, the purchase price, the MOQ, the MOV and the MLV are shown.

The purchase price may fluctuate. To avoid some mysterious result in the margin, the purchase price may be recomputed on demand:

If there is a PO linked, the PO's price with the PO's currency and the PO's UOM will be updated into the Requisition.

Else, If the PO is received or if the origin is a store, the purchase price will be obtained by work out the average purchase price of the booked or delivered items.

Moreover, the purchase UOM will be set into the sale UOM to clarify the read.

Moreover the Purchase/Renewal price may be modified by the user.

This dialog box also enables to modify Purchase currency and Purchase UOM.

Comment tab

The Comment tab enables to add a comment into each selected lines :

Furthermore this enable to select by ticking information to be included with the comment into the report :

Use [CTRL] with the left click to automatically tick all check boxes of one column.

Analytic tabs

The analytic tabs enables to see linked document :


The Total enable to know the sum of all items, excluding and including taxes (if there is).

Fees may be added by using the button.

See also - Requisition's statusPO Status - Consolidation - Compulsory fields -

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