General data
Part Number
SPM documentation - July 10th 2009 – Written by Rémi Equoy
General data tab
Here is the General data tab of the PN form :
Serialized - Means that a unit has got a (single) serial number. The part number is inevitably stored with exclusive and single serial number (SN)
Repairable - Means that a unit is repairable and that a Repair Order can be created. Compulsory to allow creation of repair order on parts
Rotable - Means that a unit has got necessarily a serial number (according to ATA Specifications) and that an Exchange Order or Repair Order can be created. Compulsory to allow creation of exchange order on parts
Shelf Life - Means that a unit has got Shelf Life expressed in the SPM in Months.
Expiry Date - Means that a unit has got an Expiry Date.
Ingredient - Means all material classified as expendable, chemical, hazardous material.
Dangerous Goods - Means material classified as Hazardous or Dangerous and which has to strictly comply to IATA regulation in terms of handling and shipment.
Tool - Means all material classified as specific tool
Calibration - Means necessarily material classified as Tool, which needs regular calibration.
Kit - Means material which is part of a kit or of a higher assembly.
ETOPS - Means material required by Airworthiness Authorities and regulation to fly an Aircraft under ETOPS (Extended Range Operation) condition.
Go - Means material classified under the Aircraft Master Minimum Equipment List as a "Go" item.
No Go - Means material classified under the Aircraft Master Minimum Equipment List as a "No Go" item.
Go If- Means material classified under the Aircraft Master Minimum Equipment List as a "Go If" item.
Civil Part - Means material used on Civilian Aircraft.
Military Part - Means material used on Military Aircraft, will require Military Licence.
Effectivity - Means material used on a particular type of Aircraft.
See also : General data - Stores - Alternate PN - Characteristic - Dimension per item - Unit Of Measure - Kit/Sub Assy (Sub assembly)tab - Maintenance task - Other data - Comment - Pictures -
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