

SPM documentation (v2.1.61)- April 20th 2009 Written by Rémi Equoy


The picture manager is available from different location :

1. In the Part Number form, Pictures tab

In this tab, all pictures will be available:  Those of the Part Number and those of each parts received.

2. In the detail line of an existing part, located in a store (Part Number Form, Stores tab) :

In the Pictures window, only the pictures of this specific part (SN,BN or IN) will be available.

In this window, the pictures of this specific part (SN,BN or IN) will be available PLUS the pictures of the Part Number.

In the Pictures window, only the pictures of this specific part (SN,BN or IN) will be available.

In this four locations, you will be allowed to manage the pictures by using the right click. The following contextual menu will enable you to :

See also : General data Stores Alternate PN Characteristic Dimension per item Unit Of Measure Kit/Sub Assy (Sub assembly)tab Maintenance task Other data Comment Pictures

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