Restocking worksheet
SPM documentation of version 4.10 - June 21th 2011 – Written by Rémi Equoy
Restocking worksheet tool enables user to prepare a list of Part Number to order.
The references may be added by using Generate lines button or by using the pushdown menu Add to restocking worksheet located in the Re-provisioning forecast and Minimum quantity manager tools.
The [Generate lines] button enables to build a list of items which need to be restock.
To restock a Part Number, a minimum quantity must have been defined into the PN form (or by using the Minimum quantity manager).
A line is added when: [Stock qty] - [Booked qty] + [Ordered qty*] IS LESS THAN [Minimum qty] * Ordered qty computes only Purchase Order's lines not reserved for Requisitions |
The default suggested quantity will be the Re-provisioning quantity or sometimes more when is not sufficient to reach then the minimum quantity.
A warning may appears to prevent some problems:
Purchase Order creation
A push down menu located into the Vendor line enables to create a Purchase Order (Create PO).
Once the PO is created, the lines of this vendor will be removed from the list.
See also - Minimum quantity manager - Re-provisioning forecast -
See also - Purchase Order -
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