Inter site invoices
Inter Site Invoice
SPM documentation - August 23th 2011 – Written by Rémi Equoy
Inter site order feature enables to order spare parts between sites.
SPM generates automatically inter site orders.
As for all orders, invoices can be generated from one (or more) inter site order.
Only Requisition enables to create Inter site orders.
Into Inter Site Requisitions and Inter Site Invoices, the customer is always a Site.
Inter Site Invoices - Creation rules
One invoice can merge multiple orders if they are for the same customer.
Inter site invoice can combine multiple order if :
Inter Site with Drop Shipment Invoices
Once created, Inter Site with Drop Shipment Invoices react specifically for some particularly cases :
Copy of information from original invoice
When creating a Inter site with Drop Shipment Invoice () and if a Customer Invoice already exist, some information will be copied:
Creating invoice to ship goods
Sometimes, the store is owned by site but managed by another. In this case, to ship goods, the invoice must be the one of the origin.
This may be done by following this procedure:
1. Create an inter site invoice
2. Change the site to define the origin
3. Save the invoice
4. Create a Cancel Credit Note to cancel the invoice
5. Re-Create an inter site invoice
See also - Accounting features - Customer invoice - Inter site orders - Drop Shipment - Invoice statues - Subsidiary Invoice - Customer Credit Note -
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