Inter site orders

Inter site orders

SPM documentation - February 12th 2010 Written by Rémi Equoy


Inter site feature enables to order spare parts between sites.

When a customer order is made on a store owned by another site, an inter site process will be create automatically to book spare parts on the other site.

When a customer order is made on vendor and when the consolidation select a PO made from another site, an inter site process is also created automatically.

Inter Site processes

An Inter Site process is a standard process composed of one PO and one Requisition.

Inter Site PO and Inter Site Requisition are non modifiable document (or read only document).

Only the initial customer order (i.e. the Requisition) which has generate the Inter Site process can alter the content of the Inter Site documents.

Inter Site - Stock process

When a Requisition use a store owned by another site, an Inter Site - Stock process will be created.

This is process is fully automatic :

When the Customer Requisition will be saved for the firs time, each line with items from other sites's stores will generated an Inter Site process (i.e. one PO and one Requisition).

If the Requisition is modified, modifications will be automatically updated in the inter site documents.

Inter Site - Vendor process

The Inter Site - Vendor process can be generated by two ways :

  1. By using, in the consolidation form, a PO from another site.
  2. By creating a new Inter Site process in the consolidation form.

IMPORTANT NOTES : To enable inter site orders, the sites must have the Assume as customer and the Assume as vendor ticked.

See also : ConsolidationOrders synchronization - Requisition's statusPO Status - Drop Shipment - Inter site invoices - Site -

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