
Pro forma Invoice

SPM documentation (v4.4.0.0)- March 1st 2011 Written by Rémi Equoy


A Pro forma Invoice enables to ask for money from a quote before creating an order.

Into SPM a Proforma may be created from one or more Quotation.

A Proforma is like a Customer Invoice with the following differences:

How to create a new Proforma Invoice :

1. From a Quotation (see Quotation/Total)


2. From the main menu or Start Page:


When an Proforma is created, the characteristics of each Part Number line will not be included except if the option is selected into the Customer form.

IMPORTANT NOTE : A Proforma cannot be paid by a Payment like a Customer Invoice. A Proforma Invoice enables to receive money which will be available for the next Invoice.

See also - Customer Invoice - Quotation - Payment -

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