Stock management

Stock management

SPM documentation - January 22th 2010 Written by Rémi Equoy


The stock management enables to manage all spare parts, all items, all goods with the same rules.

Basic topics :

  • The stock is the sum of the items received minus the sum of the items delivered from a specific store.

  • If a receipt is a batch/lot, the delivered quantity cannot exceed in any cases the received quantity.

  • A PN is always located at a single place into a store. So, all items of the same Part Number are located in the same location into one store.

  • The places or the locations where items are ordered into the stores are called Bin # (bin number).

Optional tools :

  • Package receipt helps to manage which package have to be opened first.
  • Order preparation helps to manage which items have to be prepared first. It also enables to edit picking list.
  • Packing list enable to enclose many Delivery Notes into many packages.
  • Store barometer helps store managers to manage entry and output streams.

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